Our services are free and confidential and offered to you at no obligation. We provide guidance and support, educate on your choices, and help you get the resources you need throughout your pregnancy and beyond.
Abortion is a procedure that can be surgical or non-surgical, and there are several different types of each, with each varying in cost and potential complications. The type of abortion available to you depends in part on how far your pregnancy has progressed, and the only way to verify this is an ultrasound. While we do not perform abortions in our center, we do offer ultrasounds at no cost. To schedule an ultrasound, click here.
During your appointment, we will provide medically-accurate information and education on abortion procedures and what you might face both physically and emotionally.
Click here to download a copy of A Women’s Right to Know – A resource provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services.
Deciding what to do after finding out you are pregnant is a very big and often difficult decision. Depending on your circumstances, adoption may be an option for you.
Adoption has evolved over the years. Positive changes have taken place in the adoption process, and this decision can provide a lifelong plan for the baby’s security and care.
We provide information on the process of adoption, and we can connect you to several different adoption agencies. We are not affiliated with any specific adoption agency, and we won’t profit from any choice you make.
Should you decide to parent, Prestonwood Pregnancy Center is available to be an ongoing support. We have programs and services that will equip you in your new role.
We are here to help you through pregnancy and parenting with:
• Information on hospitals and clinics.
• Birthing and parenting classes.
• Information on Medical aid, Legal aid and other care services.
Should you choose parenting, when needed, we provide material assistance such as clothing, diapers and baby items, such as cribs and strollers. We can also connect you to community and government resources for housing, medical, and food assistance if financial difficulties are an issue in your situation.
Prestonwood Family Resource Center is here to provide ongoing support for you and your family.