A Safe Place to Land

“I feel scared, confused and alone…”
“I can’t do this by myself…”
“I have no one to turn to and no one who would understand…”
These are just a few of the million thoughts you may be having if you think you’re pregnant – and it wasn’t planned. You’re positive you don’t want this, and you’re almost certain the father of the baby doesn’t want this either.
You have other plans! The holidays are here, finances may be tight, and the world is still in the middle of a global pandemic. Now is not the time for you to be pregnant.
It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. You don’t have to make your next decision or take your next step alone – there are resources available to help.
So, what now? Slow down! Press pause and take the time to learn more.
Step 1: Get the facts.
Before you rush into your next step, take the time to find out if you’re truly pregnant. Feelings can misguide you, and pregnancy tests are not a diagnosis of pregnancy. You need a sonogram to both ensure the pregnancy is viable and to know how far along you are in your pregnancy.
That’s why Prestonwood Pregnancy Center offers FREE lab-grade, urine pregnancy tests and sonograms. You can book an appointment here.
Step 2: Understand your options.
If the sonogram confirms your pregnancy, take the time to understand your options.
Whether you choose parenting, abortion or adoption, you need to understand the risks and benefits associated with each option. Unbiased guidance from educated individuals can help you navigate this decision-making process.
Step 3: Do your research.
Before an abortion, do your own research on the doctor, clinic and the associated risks to the procedure to make a healthy and informed decision.
If you choose to parent, make sure you’re aware of the medical and social assistance available to you.
And what happens if you change your mind? Making the best choice is a process, and it’s important to have someone who is there to listen, ask questions and formulate a plan should you want to change course.
Regardless of your decision, you need a support system. Find a safe place to stop and think about your options. Learn more about your pregnancy before deciding the best path forward.
Prestonwood Pregnancy Center is a safe and confidential medical clinic that offers free resources to help you navigate your pregnancy and the decisions that lay ahead.
Call us today or book an appointment now.