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We value your privacy and will not share your pregnancy intentions to anyone.

You are needed!

Volunteers are critical to the mission of the Prestonwood Pregnancy Center. The need for our services has never been greater, so we thank you for your group’s willingness to come serve the ministry.

If you can please fill out the form below it will help us get to know your group and how we can partner with you.

In His Service,
Leanne Jamieson, Executive Director

Volunteer Group Interest Form
Location (please choose one)
Age range of your group
What would your group like to be a part of?

Get Involved


Download the “Friends of PPC” app and get real-time prayer requests for abortion-minded clients.

Download the app now


There’s a critical need for nurses, sonographers, mentors, and educators, as well as writers, graphic designers, videographers, and data entry specialists.

Learn about volunteering


Your donations are crucial not only to keeping current ministry going strong, but to expand the Center’s reach to save the lives of more mommas and their precious babies.

Give a gift today


Join our private Facebook group, Friends of PPC, to get special updates about Prestonwood Pregnancy Center.

Join our Facebook Group

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