Shelby says, “You guys are the reason he’s here!”
Most women who visit Prestonwood Pregnancy Center arrive carrying more than the new life inside them. They’re also carrying heavy burdens of guilt, fear, and shame.
That’s how it was for Shelby when she first walked through our doors.
As Shelby grew to trust our counselors, she shared her story. She told us about times of deep trauma that had left her feeling worthless and rejected – including how she’d been banned from her church for choices she had made.
Long-running emotional and spiritual battles had left Shelby feeling weary and defeated, and she was vulnerable to choosing abortion as a “quick fix” to her crisis pregnancy.
But all that changed, thanks to friends like you.
At Prestonwood, Shelby experienced compassion and acceptance – giving her the chance to hope for a brighter future.
Thanks to friends like you, she received a free ultrasound; and like so many others before her, she could not believe her eyes. Shelby was so excited to see her baby and discover that she was expecting a boy that she chose life for him!
Praise God for using the prayers and partnership of friends like you to bring Shelby’s new son into the world safe and sound. As Shelby says, “You guys are the reason he’s here!”
Further reading from this month’s newsletter:
You’re Part of a Movement to Change History!
New Family Resource Center Opening Soon… Thanks to Friends Like You!