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We value your privacy and will not share your pregnancy intentions to anyone.

Dear Friend,

Every child is created by God and has a right to life. But some birth parents come to us from very traumatic situations and aren’t in a place where they can parent their child. This was the case for Evie and Steven, whom you read about on page 1.

Thanks to friends like you, they were met with love and compassion when they visited the center last year. And our partner adoption agency took such good care of them!

Adoption was such a beautiful option for Evie and Steven, and we can see in their story how God protected their baby boy and chose his adoptive parents, Noel and Bryan.

Not long ago, we asked Bryan what he’d say if he ever had the chance to talk to a woman who was contemplating abortion. This is what he shared…

“First of all, I would tell her to pray for God’s Spirit and His will in her life. Many times these young ladies feel alone, but with God we are never alone. Second, I’d tell her that the little miracle growing inside of her is a person who was made in God’s Image. He or she deserves the chance to make an impact on this world.”

Amen, Bryan! Every child deserves the chance to make an impact on this world, and through your support you’re giving so many children that chance.

So thank you once again for the role you’re playing in saving babies and changing their mamas’ lives—as well as for making the ministry of adoption possible.

Together, let’s keep pushing forward… until abortion is unthinkable.

In Him,





Also in this E-Newsletter:

The adoption story of baby Briggs

You’re Making the Ministry of Adoption Possible

God is Using You to Save Lives!

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