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Classes and Rewards

Rewards Program

For every in-person class that you attend, you will earn $15 credit. For every online class, you will earn $5 credit.
If you want to earn double the rewards for a class, have another adult attend the class with you! You may only have one guest to earn double rewards and you must include their information in your registration. If you have already attended a specific class before, you will only receive rewards for the first time you attend. To redeem your rewards at the Presonwood Family Resource Center, you can walk in or make an appointment by emailing or calling 972-428-4717.

Additional Information

Please keep in mind that to respect your time, classes will start promptly at the time they are scheduled. Late arrivals (more than 15 minutes late) will not receive credit for attending.

Yo puedo hacerlo! Resource Center

Resource Center 635 W Campbell Rd, Suite 300, Richardson, TX, United States

Prepararse para la maternidad no tiene que ser estresante. Por eso te queremos brindar las herramientas con las que puedes aprender a ser la mejor mamá para tu bebé. Descubre y aprende sobre estilos de crianza y otros tips para que tengas una maternidad exitosa. Esta clase tiene asientos limitados.

Child Passenger Safety Resource Center

Resource Center 635 W Campbell Rd, Suite 300, Richardson, TX, United States

This class is taught by a Certified National Child Passenger Safety Technician. CPS technicians keep up to date on the latest technical information about child passenger safety through seminars and other continuing education opportunities. This class will benefit those who have children of any age that want to ensure their child is kept safe, in case of an accident, by properly using child restraint systems and safety belts. This class has limited seating.

Powerful Parenting #3 Resource Center

Resource Center 635 W Campbell Rd, Suite 300, Richardson, TX, United States

Creating a Sense of Family - This multiple session class features practical ideas and positive encouragement for parents of all ages. We discuss topics such as child development, discipline, communication, emotional health, nutrition, and finances. This class has limited seating.

Beginning to Birth. Online

Zoom , United States

Beginning to Birth: The goal of this class is to help us both understand and visualize what is happening in pregnancy; from the moment of conception to birth. This class will help you understand how baby is developing and what mom might be experiencing at the same time!

Basic Finances Session 3: Spending Plan. Resource Center

Resource Center 635 W Campbell Rd, Suite 300, Richardson, TX, United States

Learn about the basics of savings, spending, and debt, and how you can wisely incorporate financial strategies into your day-to-day life. This three session class is great for anyone, whether you have children to prepare for or are just wanting to learn more. It will also cover benefits of prayer and how to incorporate biblical principles into your finances. (You can earn points for attending all three sessions of this class without it being considered duplicate attendance). This class has limited seating.

The Importance of a Will. Resource Center

Resource Center 635 W Campbell Rd, Suite 300, Richardson, TX, United States

Come learn the reasons why having a Will is so very important for you and your family. There are key terms you should be aware of and understand. As a gift to you, if you attend and complete a Will questionnaire, the Foundation will draw up a FREE Will for you. Do not miss this opportunity! This class has limited seating.

Relationship Safety. Resource Center

Resource Center 635 W Campbell Rd, Suite 300, Richardson, TX, United States

WOMEN ONLY (NO PARTNER CREDIT) - Conflict and stress in relationships can be normal, but what happens when unhealthy behavior escalates and becomes abusive? If you do not feel safe in your relationship, there is a possibility that the relational issues that you are experiencing are serious. This class is a brief overview of identifying the signs of abuse. Discover the pattern of escalation that abuse can take, and most importantly, how to begin to think and plan for your safety and who to contact for help. This class has limited seating.

Seguridad de Asiento de Carro. Southwest

South 7988 West Virginia Drive, Suite 100, Dallas, TX, United States

Esta clase es impartida por un Técnico en la Seguridad del Niño Pasajero. Los técnicos de CPS se mantienen actualizados con la información técnica más reciente sobre la seguridad de los niños pasajeros a través de seminarios y otras oportunidades de educación continua. Esta clase beneficiará a aquellos que tengan niños de cualquier edad que quieran asegurarse de que su hijo se mantenga seguro, en caso de accidente, mediante el uso adecuado de sistemas de retención infantil y cinturones de seguridad. Esta clase tiene asientos limitados.

Formula Safety. Southwest

South 7988 West Virginia Drive, Suite 100, Dallas, TX, United States

It is important to know the ins and outs of formula safety. In this session we will learn about the importance of formula safety, how to check formula for abnormalities, how to stay updated on formula recalls, and how to properly make and store formula! Let’s stay informed and keep our babies safe! This class has limited seating.

The Dad Difference. Online

Zoom , United States

This class is specifically geared for new dads who want to step-up and be difference makers within their growing family. Participants will hear a wealth of wisdom and applicable truths that will help them become better men. You will be encouraged and challenged to grow yourself and to achieve the ‘dad difference’

Dad: Be Their First Coach. Online

Zoom , United States

This class is designed to help men who are preparing for fatherhood or stepping into the father-figure role. Topics include discipline, childhood development, communication, co-parenting, work/life balance and children’s emotions.

Let’s Get Organized. Southwest

South 7988 West Virginia Drive, Suite 100, Dallas, TX, United States

Could you use a little more organization but don't know where to start? In this class, you will learn 7 steps for organization and beauty to transform your home in a sanctuary of peace. You’ll learn how to use different storage methods and how to get your kids involved.

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