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Classes and Rewards

Rewards Program

For every in-person class that you attend, you will earn $15 credit. For every online class, you will earn $5 credit.
If you want to earn double the rewards for a class, have another adult attend the class with you! You may only have one guest to earn double rewards and you must include their information in your registration. If you have already attended a specific class before, you will only receive rewards for the first time you attend. To redeem your rewards at the Prestonwood Family Resource Center, you can walk in or make an appointment by emailing or calling 972-428-4717.

Additional Information

Please keep in mind that to respect your time, classes will start promptly at the time they are scheduled. Late arrivals (more than 15 minutes late) will not receive credit for attending.

Basic Finances Session 2: Savings | Resource Center

Resource Center 635 W Campbell Rd, Suite 300, Richardson

Learn about the basics of savings, spending, and debt, and how you can wisely incorporate financial strategies into your day-to-day life. This three session class is great for anyone, whether you have children to prepare for or are just wanting to learn more. It will also cover benefits of prayer and how to incorporate biblical principles into your finances. (You can earn points for attending all three sessions of this class without it being considered duplicate attendance).

Parenting Skills | Southwest

South 7988 West Virginia Drive, Suite 100, Dallas

This class teaches different parenting styles, spotlights the most effective ones, and shows the importance of quality care to a child.

Tres Verdades que Debes Saber Sobre un Recien Nacido Online


Hay mas de tres verdades a las que te vas a enfrentar cuando tengas a tu bebé en brazos, pero aqui tocaremos las tres verdades que son comunes en cada recien nacido. A pesar que cada familia y bebé es diferente, estos puntos no excluyen a ninguno de ellos.

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