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Classes and Rewards

Rewards Program

For every in-person class that you attend, you will earn $15 credit. For every online class, you will earn $5 credit.
If you want to earn double the rewards for a class, have another adult attend the class with you! You may only have one guest to earn double rewards and you must include their information in your registration. If you have already attended a specific class before, you will only receive rewards for the first time you attend. To redeem your rewards at the Prestonwood Family Resource Center, you can walk in or make an appointment by emailing or calling 972-428-4717.

Additional Information

Please keep in mind that to respect your time, classes will start promptly at the time they are scheduled. Late arrivals (more than 15 minutes late) will not receive credit for attending.

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Como Ayudar a mi Bebé a Dormir Parte II. Online

December 10, 2024 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm CST

Si batallas para que tu bebé duerma por sí solo, esta clase es perfecta para ti. Abordaré la importancia de enseñar a nuestros bebés a dormirse por sí solos a partir de los 3 meses de edad. Sin embargo, lo que funciona para uno puede no funcionar para otros. Por eso, exploraremos algunos de los métodos más populares para lograr este objetivo. Así podrás identificar cuál se adapta mejor a tu bebé y tu familia.
Estoy emocionada de brindarte las herramientas necesarias para que puedas comenzar a enseñar a tu bebé a dormirse sin depender de tu presencia constante. ¡Te espero en la clase!

Register for an online class

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
If another adult is attending the class with you, please tell us their name below.
MM slash DD slash YYYY


December 10, 2024
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm CST
Class Category:


Danella Lederer


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