Labor & Delivery Online
Zoom , United StatesIn this course we will discuss the different variations and stages of labor which include labor complications, medical interventions, and comfort measures during birth.
Por cada clase presencial a la que asista, obtendrá un crédito de $15. Por cada clase en línea, obtendrá un crédito de $5.
Si desea ganar el doble de recompensas por una clase, ¡haga que otro adulto asista a la clase con usted! Solo puede tener un invitado para ganar recompensas dobles y debe incluir su información en su registro. Si ya ha asistido a una clase específica antes, solo recibirá recompensas la primera vez que asista. Para canjear sus recompensas en el Prestonwood Family Resource Center, puede venir o hacer una cita por correo electrónico or calling 972-428-4717.
Tenga en cuenta que para respetar su tiempo, las clases comenzarán puntualmente a la hora programada. Las llegadas tardías (más de 15 minutos de retraso) no recibirán crédito por asistir.
In this course we will discuss the different variations and stages of labor which include labor complications, medical interventions, and comfort measures during birth.
Learn about the basics of savings, spending, and debt, and how you can wisely incorporate financial strategies into your day-to-day life. This three session class is great for anyone, whether you have children to prepare for or are just wanting to learn more. It will also cover benefits of prayer and how to incorporate biblical principles into your finances. (You can earn points for attending all three sessions of this class without it being considered duplicate attendance). In Person on the first three Tuesdays of each month. This class has limited seating.
Find answers to all your breastfeeding questions in this class while learning how easy it can be to successfully breastfeed your new baby.
Learn about the basics of savings, spending, and debt, and how you can wisely incorporate financial strategies into your day-to-day life. This three session class is great for anyone, whether you have children to prepare for or are just wanting to learn more. It will also cover benefits of prayer and how to incorporate biblical principles into your finances. (You can earn points for attending all three sessions of this class without it being considered duplicate attendance). This class has limited seating.
Boundaries - Learn how to set healthy boundaries and how to improve your relationships. These three classes collectively will teach you practical skills on how to communicate effectively, deal with expectations, anger and forgiveness.
Los padres y cuidadores suelen tener muchas incertidumbres y preocupaciones con relación al sueño de los niños. Es inevitable que, al hablar de bebés, surja la preocupación por el Síndrome de Muerte Súbita en Lactantes (SMSL). En Estados Unidos, alrededor de 3,500 bebés mueren de forma inesperada cada año, fenómeno conocido como "muerte súbita e inesperada del bebé", y está vinculado al sueño. En esta clase, proporcionaré varios consejos para disminuir el riesgo de SMSL y otras muertes infantiles asociadas a la forma en que duermen los bebés
Prepararse para la maternidad no tiene que ser estresante. Por eso te queremos brindar las herramientas con las que puedes aprender a ser la mejor mamá para tu bebé. Descubre y aprende sobre estilos de crianza y otros tips para que tengas una maternidad exitosa.
Did you know that More than 90 percent of poisonings happen at home? That is why is important as parents and caregiver to follow simple steps to prevent a poisoning from happening and we can make our homes safe.
Developing Character in Your Kids -This mutiple session class features practical ideas and positive encouragement for parents of all ages. We discuss topics such as child development, discipline, communication, emotional health, nutrition, and finances.
The goal of this class is to help learners understand how self-image impacts our daily life’ decisions and what it means to have a positive self-image. The session is interactive with self-reflection and writing exercises.
Learn about the basics of savings, spending, and debt, and how you can wisely incorporate financial strategies into your day-to-day life. This three session class is great for anyone, whether you have children to prepare for or are just wanting to learn more. It will also cover benefits of prayer and how to incorporate biblical principles into your finances. (You can earn points for attending all three sessions of this class without it being considered duplicate attendance). This class has limited seating.
Come learn the reasons why having a Will is so very important for you and your family. There are key terms you should be aware of and understand. As a gift to you, if you attend and complete a Will questionnaire, the Foundation will draw up a FREE Will for you. Do not miss this opportunity! This class has limited seating.