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Clases y recompensas

Programa de recompensas

Por cada clase presencial a la que asista, obtendrá un crédito de $15. Por cada clase en línea, obtendrá un crédito de $5.
Si desea ganar el doble de recompensas por una clase, ¡haga que otro adulto asista a la clase con usted! Solo puede tener un invitado para ganar recompensas dobles y debe incluir su información en su registro. Si ya ha asistido a una clase específica antes, solo recibirá recompensas la primera vez que asista. Para canjear sus recompensas en el Presonwood Family Resource Center, puede venir o hacer una cita por correo electrónico or calling 972-428-4717.

Información adicional

Tenga en cuenta que para respetar su tiempo, las clases comenzarán puntualmente a la hora programada. Las llegadas tardías (más de 15 minutos de retraso) no recibirán crédito por asistir.

Beginning to Birth. Online

Zoom , United States

Beginning to Birth: The goal of this class is to help us both understand and visualize what is happening in pregnancy; from the moment of conception to birth. This class will help you understand how baby is developing and what mom might be experiencing at the same time!

Growing in Resilience. Southwest

South 7988 West Virginia Drive, Suite 100, Dallas, TX, United States

Stress happens to us all but how we respond to it makes the difference. Let’s walk through this class together and you will be provided tips to better handle life situations.

Relationships #2. Resource Center

Resource Center 635 W Campbell Rd, Suite 300, Richardson, TX, United States

Foundations of Communication - Learn how to set healthy boundaries and how to improve your relationships. These three classes collectively will teach you practical skills on how to communicate effectively, deal with expectations, anger and forgiveness.

Car Seat Safety Online

Zoom , United States

This class is taught by a Certified National Child Passenger Safety Technician. CPS technicians keep up to date on the latest technical information about child passenger safety through seminars and other continuing education opportunities. This class will benefit those who have children of any age that want to ensure their child is kept safe, in case of an accident, by properly using child restraint systems and safety belts.

Baby Talk. Resource Center

Resource Center 635 W Campbell Rd, Suite 300, Richardson, TX, United States

Join us for a discussion about stimulating baby’s speech development from birth through toddlerhood and beyond. This is a fun topic and very important for your baby’s communication skills. We’ll also cover how certain medical issues can affect speech development and give you time to ask questions.

Post-Partum & Newborn Care. Online

Zoom , United States

In this course you will learn about the 4th trimester, the postpartum body and newborn care such as feeding, diaper changes and bathing.    

Basic Finances Session 3: Spending Plan. Resource Center

Resource Center 635 W Campbell Rd, Suite 300, Richardson, TX, United States

Learn about the basics of savings, spending, and debt, and how you can wisely incorporate financial strategies into your day-to-day life. This three session class is great for anyone, whether you have children to prepare for or are just wanting to learn more. It will also cover benefits of prayer and how to incorporate biblical principles into your finances. (You can earn points for attending all three sessions of this class without it being considered duplicate attendance).

Stress Management in the Family. Resource Center

Resource Center 635 W Campbell Rd, Suite 300, Richardson, TX, United States

Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain which can be experienced by both adults and children. It can be manifested at any given time in an individual or family unit. Stress needs to be managed, and you can learn ways in this class to do just that.

Tres Verdades que Debes Saber Sobre un Recien Nacido. En línea

Zoom , United States

Hay mas de tres verdades a las que te vas a enfrentar cuando tengas a tu bebé en brazos, pero aqui tocaremos las tres verdades que son comunes en cada recien nacido. A pesar que cada familia y bebé es diferente, estos puntos no excluyen a ninguno de ellos.

Cómo Envolver a tu Bebé. Southwest

South 7988 West Virginia Drive, Suite 100, Dallas, TX, United States

Envolver a tu bebé tiene muchos beneficios y es más fácil de lo que parece. Te invitamos a que aprendas las diferentes técnicas para que tú y tu bebé duerman mejor y por más tiempo.

Reading to Baby. Online

Zoom , United States

This class is designed to instill confidence in moms to cultivate a love of reading to their babies. Moms can have conversations with their little ones without it feeling awkward and it also builds a strong parent child bond.

Positive Self Image. Online

Zoom , United States

The goal of this class is to help learners understand how self-image impacts our daily life’ decisions and what it means to have a positive self-image. The session is interactive with self-reflection and writing exercises.

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