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We value your privacy and will not share your pregnancy intentions to anyone.

Clases y recompensas

Programa de recompensas

Por cada clase presencial a la que asista, obtendrá un crédito de $15. Por cada clase en línea, obtendrá un crédito de $5.
Si desea ganar el doble de recompensas por una clase, ¡haga que otro adulto asista a la clase con usted! Solo puede tener un invitado para ganar recompensas dobles y debe incluir su información en su registro. Si ya ha asistido a una clase específica antes, solo recibirá recompensas la primera vez que asista. Para canjear sus recompensas en el Prestonwood Family Resource Center, puede venir o hacer una cita por correo electrónico or calling 972-428-4717.

Información adicional

Tenga en cuenta que para respetar su tiempo, las clases comenzarán puntualmente a la hora programada. Las llegadas tardías (más de 15 minutos de retraso) no recibirán crédito por asistir.

Beginning to Birth | Online

Zoom , United States

Beginning to Birth: The goal of this class is to help us both understand and visualize what is happening in pregnancy; from the moment of conception to birth. This class will help you understand how baby is developing and what mom might be experiencing at the same time!

Super Siblings: Preparing for Your New Baby Brother or Sister. Southwest

South 7988 West Virginia Drive, Suite 100, Dallas, TX, United States

Super Siblings is aimed to help introduce elementary aged future big brothers/sisters. We will be looking into what life can look like with a baby sibling. We will walk through everything from changing diapers, to learning how they can help with their new baby sibling. At the end of our class, each sibling will receive a Super Sibling Award! We hope to see you there!

Mastering LinkedIn | Online

Zoom , United States

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with more than 830 million members. This class will teach you how to build an online profile, network with other members, attract recruiters and search/apply for job opportunities.

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