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Unplanned Pregnancy? Discover Why a Sonogram is Your Essential First Step

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can feel overwhelming. You might be hoping that if you wait long enough, things will sort themselves out—maybe your period will come, and this will all just go away. But uncertainty doesn’t have to be your only option. You deserve real answers, and getting a sonogram is the first step in understanding what’s really going on.

Why Should I Get a Sonogram if I’m Considering Abortion?

A sonogram, or ultrasound, is a crucial step in learning more about your pregnancy and your options. Before making any decisions, it’s important to have all the facts so you can move forward with confidence.

Here’s what an ultrasound can tell you:

  • How far along you are. The type of abortion procedure available to you depends on your gestational age. An ultrasound provides this information.
  • If the pregnancy is viable. Many pregnancies end in miscarriage, sometimes without a woman even realizing it. An ultrasound can confirm if your pregnancy is progressing or if you may need follow-up medical care.
  • Your health and safety. Certain factors, like an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy that implants outside the uterus), require immediate medical attention. An ultrasound can help detect this.

At Prestonwood Pregnancy Center, we offer free lab-grade pregnancy tests and sonograms to give you the answers you need. Schedule your appointment today.

Is an Ultrasound Safe? Will It Hurt?

Yes, ultrasounds are completely safe. They use high-frequency sound waves—not radiation—to create images of what’s happening inside your body. The procedure is painless and performed by trained medical professionals.

While a pregnancy test can indicate that you might be pregnant, it doesn’t provide the full picture. An ultrasound is the best way to confirm how far along you are and ensure everything is developing as expected. Each sonogram at Prestonwood Pregnancy Center is reviewed by a doctor and serves to:

  • Detect a fetal heartbeat
  • Estimate a due date
  • Determine the number of fetuses
  • Confirm the pregnancy is in the uterus (not ectopic)
  • Identify if emergency medical care is needed

We understand that this is a big moment in your life, and you don’t have to face it alone. Our center is a safe, confidential place where you can receive free medical services and support as you explore your options.

Call us today or book an appointment now.

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