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Protecting Yourself From Mosquito Bites

Spring is a wonderful time of year that brings beautiful weather, picnics, flowers and other fun outdoor activities. Staying active and enjoying time with family and friends is important during your pregnancy. But before you go outside, take some time to be prepared for those pesky unwanted mosquitoes.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that pregnant women prevent mosquito bites to help prevent the spread of the Zika virus and other diseases. Although these illnesses are unusual in Texas, it is important to take precautions and be extra careful when travelling outside of the U.S. The CDC recommends that you use an insect repellent that is registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Mosquitoes tend to be more active in the early morning hours and then starting in the early evening, but mosquitoes can be active 24 hours a day. You might want to consider wearing long sleeves and long pants if you are out in areas with a lot of mosquitoes. Another important thing is to be aware that mosquitoes breed in standing water. You can help prevent them from breeding by removing any standing water around your home or apartment.

A little thought and planning can make your time outside more enjoyable and safe for you and your baby.

We want to support you in having a healthy pregnancy. If you have questions or need assistance, please schedule an appointment here.

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